Voice IVR Surveys are wonderful—except when the call drops half-way through a 20-question survey. That’s when reconnect calls save the day by getting the participants back on the phone, so they can continue the survey where they left off. Sweet, right? Today, we’re making reconnect calls even better.
Imagine the participant picking up the phone to continue the survey and instead of just hearing the last question repeated, you can play another audio message that welcomes them back to the survey:
“We’re sorry the call got disconnected! But don’t worry: we’ll continue the survey right where you left off!”
Such a welcome message is only one of many things you can do when a reconnect call is answered. What are other examples?
- Mark the contact as having gotten a reconnect call—so you can later ask them why the call dropped. (Using the Update Contact action.)
- Send yourself an email so you can follow up with the participant.
- Trigger an action in your CRM or other external system. (Using Make API Request action.)
- Send them a SMS to thank them for continuing—and you could even include a small Airtime topup.
All this is made possible by reconnect actions. If you’ve used the platform then you’re likely already familiar with actions, and reconnect actions work exactly the same way. They even look the same:
Where do you find them? When you work on a Voice IVR Survey, go to the last step to configure reconnect calls.
Questions? Reach out to us anytime via the live chat. We’re happy to help!