How To Add Individual Contacts
Ready to send personalized messages to your target contacts using our platform? To start, let’s get you acquainted first on how to upload contacts individually.
1. From the top-right menu, click the New and Add Contact.
2. Next, fill in the needed contact details like First and Last Name in the pop-up window that will appear (optional). When typing the phone number, make sure to include the country code. If you don’t know the country code, you can refer here.

3.When you’re done, just press the Save button and wait for it to finish uploading.

Once the contact is successfully added to your account, you can send your first SMS and have a firsthand experience of sending a personalized message! Here’s how: Send SMS via Contacts Page.
If you want to add more contacts individually, just follow the same process.
Alternatively, you can check our virtual tour about it here for a more engaging experience.
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