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How to View Contacts Based on Engagement Report Status



It is very important that all of your recipients receive your engagements. However, there are cases when some engagements fail due to a number of reasons (i.e., network issues, invalid number, landline, disconnected number, etc.).

You can now view who among your recipients received, is yet to receive, and has not receive your engagement. Here’s a quick guide on how to do it.


  1. Create a group in your Contacts page and label it. If you want to get the contact numbers of those recipients in pending section, you can name your group as “Pending”. For recipients in failed section, you can name your group as “Failed”.
    Note: You can name your groups depending on your preference.
  2. Hit Save.
  3. Click on the reports button of the engagement that you want to test.
    Note: Make sure that it has numbers for either pending or failed sections under statistics.
  4. Click the groups dropdown under statistics.
    Note: For the sample screenshot below, we’ll get the numbers of those recipients who did not receive the engagement.
  5. Tick the checkbox beside the newly created group and click “Add to Selected”.
  6. Refresh your Contacts page. You’ll notice that the number of failed contacts in your reports page is added to your Failed group.
  7. To view the contact details of the failed recipients, just click on the relevant group.



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