How do I add funds or credits
to my engagesPARK account
Multiple payment methods are available to top-up your engageSPARK account credits. To add funds, click the dollar sign ($) on the upper right of your screen .
You have the following options to add funds to your account:
1. Credit Card – We accept Visa, Mastercard or American Express and you may save your card details for future payments.
2. Bank Transfer – contact customer support to request for an invoice.
The minimum amount you can pay is $10.00 and payments less than that will not go through. Once the payment is made, you’ll see the balance increase.
Avoid disruption of service: Enable Low Balance Notification to receive an automated email when to top up your balance. Simply set a threshold amount so when you reach a certain low balance, the system will send an alert that your account is running out of funds to cover the cost of sending SMS or Voice engagements.
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